At Total Health, we believe in taking care of people, from womb to tomb. In keeping with this ethos, you can share your treasure with the age group you wish to support.

Lab of Innocence

Age Group 0-12 years

Through its nutrition centres for new mothers and infants, Total Health extends healthcare to infants right from the antenatal and postnatal stage, reducing the risk of congenital diseases, stunting and wasting among infants. As they grow, we ensure children get the education they need irrespective of their social and financial status. We look to children as hygiene influencers in the community and inculcate healthy behaviour through games, parks and school lessons alike.

To equip children in rural communities with early opportunities for a brighter future

Lab of Power

Age group: 13 - 22 years

Total Health stands with its young beneficiaries as they cross the threshold into adulthood. We spread awareness on mental, emotional and sexual health to stop early marriages and adolescent pregnancies. We direct teens’ and young adults’ focus to completing their education and joining vocational programmes, which we run. To ensure their energies are channelized well, we organize sporting events, and our campus compound remains open to them 24×7 to play.

To promote sport, help prevent teenage pregnancies, and support the youth

Lab of Nurture

Age Group: 23- 49 years

Total Health views financial health as an important limb of holistic development. It provides sustainable livelihood opportunities to rural communities as well as to tribes in forests. This prevents migration to the city for work. We put people on the path to good health by helping them lead a healthy life, thereby preventing disease. Our Arrjava Warriors promote community outreach programmes fostering respect, so the people grow strong together.

To build sustainable livelihood opportunities for rural and tribal communities

Lab of Dignity

Age Group: 50 years Upwards

The risk of disease increases as our bodies grow older, so healthcare with regular follow-up is a crucial service Total Health provides to this age group — be it through medical consultations, low-cost or free medicines, Ayurvedic therapies, and daily nutritious meals. The idea is to support those who live independently without families, prevent loneliness, and build a strong community that cares for each other.

To help seniors live a life of dignity and togetherness